Okay, self shooting isn't as easy as I assumed, although the set I done was pretty good however...I'd like a set done by someone who lives near me! Any one thats interested in photography that actually lives in Ireland should leave me a little message if you have a portfolio online I'd love a link to it!
I've been to the gym a lot more, went on a diet and I've lost loadddsss of weight so I feel a bit better about the next time I do a set...all I actually need is a few tattoos! But I change my mind so often it's a bugger trying to actually find something I'll stick to!!!
I'm also gonna do my hair again! this time it'll be turquoise! Hopefully it'll turn out right!!!.
I've been to the gym a lot more, went on a diet and I've lost loadddsss of weight so I feel a bit better about the next time I do a set...all I actually need is a few tattoos! But I change my mind so often it's a bugger trying to actually find something I'll stick to!!!
I'm also gonna do my hair again! this time it'll be turquoise! Hopefully it'll turn out right!!!.
i'm sure you'll get a photographer in know time. i do offer my services if ya fancy it sometime. if ya have any problems join model mayhem as there's loads of photograhers on there.