Sooo I just got back from a mini vacation to Santa Barbara with my best friend! It was nice and relaxing and we didn't do too much....I am still pretty sick I think I have a walking pneumonia....and my friend had sciatica so we were like two old ladies....but, what we did do on our trip was get tattooed, she got tattooed at 805 ink and I ended up at the golden eagle since the artist at 805 ink and I weren't vibing, and they could quite understand what I wanted. I ended up getting my sons name on the back of my neck along my hairline more towards the side, and I'm in love with it! Obviously it's my most important tattoo since it is for the most special person in my life! ❤️ I am so happy I finally got it done but now I just want more tattoos!!!! Why so expemsiveeeeeeee ahhhhh this is why I wish o could have a real job so I could support all my addictions such as shopping and getting tattooed lol!
Oh well, I guess I'll just have to make a separate little savings on the side for my tattoo needs!!!
Hope everyone is having a great week!
New set coming out soon, very excited about this one!!!