Ok, so I've gotten over my post holiday blues now. Weather still sucks in this country but what are you gonna do?
On to better things, like planning the move to Spain
The holiday over there was supposed to determine whether or not I go based on if I thought I could get work over there. Turns out, I don't care if I get work over there or not. Should have some unknown amount of money from my Dad's will at some unknown time so that'll do to get me and my boys over there and to live on for a while. My Mum is happy for me to live rent free with her until I find work (thanks Mum!!!), so I think I'll find a nice animal charity to do volunteer work for and just see what happens. Maybe some bar work will turn up, maybe some veterinary work....Who knows? Right now all I care about is that I get there 
Soooooooooooo exciting. Handing in my notice is gonna blow though. My boss has a tendancy to take it really personally and can make it difficult for the last few weeks of work. I'm supposed to give a month's notice, which will make it easier if she's turns mean, but I was thinking of telling her asap which means I'll be giving her about 3 months. That way she's less stressed about finding a replacement but equally it could go wrong and I could end up with 3 months of her making life difficult
Any advice on this would be gratefully received!
I'd also like to do as much shooting before I go as possible as there are many more SG photogs in the UK than in Spain (the area I'll be at least), although it would be a great excuse to go to Barcelona if I could get Ivylamas or DiazArri or any other Barca-based SG photog to shoot me. How amazing would that be?!
Anyways, gonna sign off for now, I'm sleepy and "Under The Dome" is calling to me. Night SG peeps.

On to better things, like planning the move to Spain

Soooooooooooo exciting. Handing in my notice is gonna blow though. My boss has a tendancy to take it really personally and can make it difficult for the last few weeks of work. I'm supposed to give a month's notice, which will make it easier if she's turns mean, but I was thinking of telling her asap which means I'll be giving her about 3 months. That way she's less stressed about finding a replacement but equally it could go wrong and I could end up with 3 months of her making life difficult

I'd also like to do as much shooting before I go as possible as there are many more SG photogs in the UK than in Spain (the area I'll be at least), although it would be a great excuse to go to Barcelona if I could get Ivylamas or DiazArri or any other Barca-based SG photog to shoot me. How amazing would that be?!

Anyways, gonna sign off for now, I'm sleepy and "Under The Dome" is calling to me. Night SG peeps.

Drop by his page - I hooked him up with an SG gift subscription as part of my "payment" for the great job he did. Would love to have some other gals around the site welcome him aboard. Here's a link to his page on the site: Matty McTatty.
If not Spain come to Portugal
Both photographers you mention are very good, I'd love to shoot with them too.
About the boss, if she doesn't deserve it - give her only the legal notification you need, if you kind of have respect for her than tell her now