Wow I really need to blog more
. Other people seem to have much more interesting lives than me, definitely need to do more shizzle, or at least remember what I actually DO with my days
. They all kind of blur into one!
Had a pretty cool new years eve considering I was serving drinks to people instead of drinking them. We all dressed up as evil fairies (why not), so that was a giggle. It's amazing how generous people get this time of year, by the end of the night I had been bought so many drinks I didn't know what to do with them all
. So I drank every last one of them, woooooo
Hope everyone's enjoying their new year so far, seems lke everywhere, in the UK at least, is having plenty of snow to roll in. Although not where I am at the mo. Stuck at my boyfriend's as my car died yesterday, gutted......NOT! Two unexpected days off as I live/work so far away from him I can't get back to my place, fucking A.
Well, have a good Tuesday guys, I'm off to get warm and soapy in the bath while thinking about all the sexy sets I've seen today, mmmmmmmmm, bubbles.............

Had a pretty cool new years eve considering I was serving drinks to people instead of drinking them. We all dressed up as evil fairies (why not), so that was a giggle. It's amazing how generous people get this time of year, by the end of the night I had been bought so many drinks I didn't know what to do with them all

Hope everyone's enjoying their new year so far, seems lke everywhere, in the UK at least, is having plenty of snow to roll in. Although not where I am at the mo. Stuck at my boyfriend's as my car died yesterday, gutted......NOT! Two unexpected days off as I live/work so far away from him I can't get back to my place, fucking A.
Well, have a good Tuesday guys, I'm off to get warm and soapy in the bath while thinking about all the sexy sets I've seen today, mmmmmmmmm, bubbles.............

enjoy the bath