my job a little slow, but with plans for next year is better, secretary sere, you imagine it? ... I did not believe possible, but I like dealing with people and I think it's a good job.
September can say that was a month odd, I went to Tijuana and then to ensenada, he had to hit a woman for talking about me behind my... Read More
this week has been inconsistent for me, I am going through a time of change in my life and part of me does not want change, want to continue clinging to what you know
paracer sometimes I do not expect anything and I am expecting a big explosion.
I've met good people in this half I feel comfortable we have much in common.
but something... Read More
Pues tengo mis partes pachonsitas pero no es por eso.. Larga historia pero te la resumo (sin albur) Tengo un primito que es medio mudito y yo lo cuidaba mucho cuando el estaba mas chiquito y me deca "Mono" en lugar de decirme hermano y pues cuando me queria decir hermanito me decia Monito.
De verdad eres vegetariana? Eso va contra mis principios
Pero me estas cayendo bien a pesar de eso