So we finally got some new promo shots week.
Let's meet the band!
Lailah: Vox
Kathleen: Vox, Keys, Flute, Melodica
Roger: Guitar, Vox, Melodica
Kevin: Bass
Steve: Trumpet, Guitar
Pete: Drums, Vox
Bill: Tenor/baritone Sax
Tim: Tenor Sax
...and the entire lineup:

Let's meet the band!
Lailah: Vox

Kathleen: Vox, Keys, Flute, Melodica

Roger: Guitar, Vox, Melodica

Kevin: Bass

Steve: Trumpet, Guitar

Pete: Drums, Vox

Bill: Tenor/baritone Sax

Tim: Tenor Sax

...and the entire lineup:

Those look seriously sharp!
Nice pics.