The Hot Spell has finally broken and I can finally get some work done. I lost most of the weeks productivity due to the heat. I'm too cheap to get air conditioning in my little house, and hell Im tough too, so i don't need it (LIE).
Karl Marx said, " Religion is the opiate of the masses, SushiMonster says that, "Sports are the new opiate of the masses."
I've a brother in town for business & he, another brother, & I went to the Rockies game last night and had hellafun heckling Barry "I'm on The Juice" Bonds. We had killer seats 3 rows behind the Giants dugout so were yelled shit at him every inning.
Man, do the Rockies SUCK. Not that it matters that much because Im not really into sports much. Yeah, I love going to the games especially when the Tix are free, but watching them on TV is a pain worse than death. However, I do love the Tour de France, March Madness, and anytime my alma mater is playing football or basketball. Other than that I can, for the most part, take it our leave it. I would have say that Avalanche Playoff Hockey is pretty fun to watch though.
Why watch sports when you can : play on SG, Ride Bikes, Drink Booze, Tear up the bumps & trees at Mary Jane, See a band, Take Pix, Fuck, or Cook for friends, Etc., etc.,
I gotta go - Sports Center is on...
Karl Marx said, " Religion is the opiate of the masses, SushiMonster says that, "Sports are the new opiate of the masses."
I've a brother in town for business & he, another brother, & I went to the Rockies game last night and had hellafun heckling Barry "I'm on The Juice" Bonds. We had killer seats 3 rows behind the Giants dugout so were yelled shit at him every inning.
Man, do the Rockies SUCK. Not that it matters that much because Im not really into sports much. Yeah, I love going to the games especially when the Tix are free, but watching them on TV is a pain worse than death. However, I do love the Tour de France, March Madness, and anytime my alma mater is playing football or basketball. Other than that I can, for the most part, take it our leave it. I would have say that Avalanche Playoff Hockey is pretty fun to watch though.
Why watch sports when you can : play on SG, Ride Bikes, Drink Booze, Tear up the bumps & trees at Mary Jane, See a band, Take Pix, Fuck, or Cook for friends, Etc., etc.,
I gotta go - Sports Center is on...

happy birthday you fuckin' geezer!!!!

Happy Birthday, new friend!