Ooh, I got me a new lens for the camera. A Tamron 17-50mm zoom. Er.. 'SP AF17-50mm F/2.8 XR LD ASPHERICAL (IF)' for short
Looking forward to getting to use it a bit. Trying desperately to scrape the cash together for a decent flashgun which should make work a whole lot easier when being photographer at the gigs and events. Not so much on stage action, but in the crowd and group shots mainly. Not that a decent bounce flash wouldn't help no end with some of the sketchy lighting on our stage
Then again, we do have the new lighting rig that hasn't lost it's virginity yet, so that may make things better?
Will try throw up some shots with the new lens when I get some. For now you can have Dave, was just a quick shot to make sure the lens was all working. Don't expect miracles!
P.S I hear Lennon is gigging the UK close to Xmas. Check it out, should be cool.
Looking forward to getting to use it a bit. Trying desperately to scrape the cash together for a decent flashgun which should make work a whole lot easier when being photographer at the gigs and events. Not so much on stage action, but in the crowd and group shots mainly. Not that a decent bounce flash wouldn't help no end with some of the sketchy lighting on our stage
Will try throw up some shots with the new lens when I get some. For now you can have Dave, was just a quick shot to make sure the lens was all working. Don't expect miracles!
P.S I hear Lennon is gigging the UK close to Xmas. Check it out, should be cool.
I miss my cat. I want my litle Dave.