So, it seems things are settling down.
I'm in the new house now, had broadband installed so I'm connected to the rest of the world again. And I've finished this months Magazine. So work stress has dropped a little!
Bad news being I think it all got to me. Lack of sleep, too much to do etc. So I'm now at home wrapped in big fluffy bedclothes feeling like Death warmed up. Or in fact, Death left cold.
But I'm hopefully gonna have some more time to update my many blogs and internet haunts. So watch this space!
I'm in the new house now, had broadband installed so I'm connected to the rest of the world again. And I've finished this months Magazine. So work stress has dropped a little!
Bad news being I think it all got to me. Lack of sleep, too much to do etc. So I'm now at home wrapped in big fluffy bedclothes feeling like Death warmed up. Or in fact, Death left cold.
But I'm hopefully gonna have some more time to update my many blogs and internet haunts. So watch this space!
Good to have you back U have been missed