Thanks for the input. My daughter lives in Mooresville, pretty much in the suburbs. It's an area I wouldn't be happy loving in. Urban Charlotte would be suitable. Unfortunately, $1000 a month is too high for me. I could probably get something for that amount here. I appreciate your suggestions, though. I'd love to hear from you about any other thoughts you might have about this subject.
On another subject, I'm promising myself that I'll do my best to finally meet you the very next time i'm visiting my daughter. That may not be until around December. Another friend of mine recently moved to Asheville, which I understand is pretty far away from Charlotte. None of thet matters to me. I'm going to make it my business to see her too. It's been so long since i've been able to do the rhings I really want to do. That's going to stop in the near future.
That's good to know. I was under the impression that they were further apart than that.
Everything is so up in the air for me. I'm struggling to have the best quality of life that I can. Over the past year, most of my problems can be traced to money, or should I say, the lack of it. I know I have lots of life left in me. The trick is to figure out how best to live it.
On another subject, I'm promising myself that I'll do my best to finally meet you the very next time i'm visiting my daughter. That may not be until around December. Another friend of mine recently moved to Asheville, which I understand is pretty far away from Charlotte. None of thet matters to me. I'm going to make it my business to see her too. It's been so long since i've been able to do the rhings I really want to do. That's going to stop in the near future.
Everything is so up in the air for me. I'm struggling to have the best quality of life that I can. Over the past year, most of my problems can be traced to money, or should I say, the lack of it. I know I have lots of life left in me. The trick is to figure out how best to live it.