I meant to go to the gym today. Instead I ate a box of mac and cheese and drank way too much coffee. Now I'm all tired from eating too much and wired from the caffeine. It's very complicated.
It's still raining.
I'm going running with a friend on Sunday. I'm kinda scared, cuz she runs a lot. And I"m way out of shape. Hopefully...
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It's still raining.
I'm going running with a friend on Sunday. I'm kinda scared, cuz she runs a lot. And I"m way out of shape. Hopefully...
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nothing wrong with some good old honest intentions
Thank you, thank you lovely lady.
Boys can be so passive aggressive. It's annoying.
It's raining. A lot. I kinda love it.
The only things I have to do tomorrow are go to the gym and go to work. I dont know what to do with all that free time.... *ponders*
Starting next week I have to get up at 4 so I can drive an hour to the hospital I'll...
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It's raining. A lot. I kinda love it.
The only things I have to do tomorrow are go to the gym and go to work. I dont know what to do with all that free time.... *ponders*
Starting next week I have to get up at 4 so I can drive an hour to the hospital I'll...
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Hopefully the day was fun for you. And hopefully, even though you were working bar, hopefully you got bought a drink or two.
It's cold in here. I'd turn on the heater, but that costs money, and I'm really poor. Even with my parents giving me $300 a month I still can barely make rent. ugh. But I just made a resume so I can start job hunting, which is good! Although it'd still be a few months before I start making decent money. So frustrating!!
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mmmm, brainz...
In my nerd high school our neuroanatomy something or other class got to dissect pickled human brains. That rocks, huh?
Good morning!
I need to make some cookies for the hospitals I'm doing my internships at. I made some chocolate chip cookies a week or so ago, but it was kinda a weird recipe and they didnt turn out how I wanted them, but now that I know that I know how to tweak the recipe so they will be fabulous! FABULOUS DAMMIT!!
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I need to make some cookies for the hospitals I'm doing my internships at. I made some chocolate chip cookies a week or so ago, but it was kinda a weird recipe and they didnt turn out how I wanted them, but now that I know that I know how to tweak the recipe so they will be fabulous! FABULOUS DAMMIT!!
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Hi SuicideGirls! Let's see, it's been over two years since I've been on this site and a lot has happened. Like, I took some better pics, which means that I seriously need to replace my profile pic, but I also got a new computer that doesnt have photoshop, so it might be awhile. Although staring at that pic might make me get off my lazy...
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Wow two years. I'm glad you are still around
I ordered some new frogs. 3 Mantella Pulchras. I was supposed to get some Nigricans, but that fell though, then I was supposed to get some Heralmeireris but that fell through too, so I'm stuck with the pulchras. Not that those aren't good, it's just, I wanted something a bit more unique you know? Although I suppose that since no one hear has any of...
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Hi there and happy new year! Love your pics.
I am going to Palm Springs, CA in the end of the month. Do you have any suggestions of exiting detours to make in S. California for a day or two?
I am going to Palm Springs, CA in the end of the month. Do you have any suggestions of exiting detours to make in S. California for a day or two?
Ok so 4 months ago (Labor day) I pulled a rib. Much pain. Stretching cartilage more than you're supposed to is a very bad thing to do. Anyway. Many doctor's appointments (luckily this happened at work so I didn't pay for a thing). So yesterday after staying up all night at the hospital with my sister in law (she finally had an emergency c section...
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ok, does this make sense to anyone? my manager wouldn't give me a 30 minute break, then got very angry because i was getting close to 6 hours which would put me in meal break violation according to state laws. my only options were give away my tables (and therefore, give up my tips) to people who already had the maximum amount of tables that...
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hrm... I say you should kick your boss in the face! j/k where do you work, I'll come do it for you! Don't you just love stupid bosses? There seems to be a pleathora of 'em in Tehachapi
Apparently there is a Susie Smith who either doesn't want to talk to her mother, or who is just plain stupid because her mother keeps calling me. It's getting annoying. I tried to talk to her and tell her that she has the wrong number and she needs to get the right number, but she just hung up on me. What bad manners. It's just...
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yeah, so i'm back. They kept sending me messages giving me good offers and shit, so I decided that it's only $30 and I spend more than that on fruit flies. *shrug* so, hmm....
Thanks to all my friends who actually kept me on their list! That's awesome. I'm sure it was more laziness than anything else, but still, I appreciate it dammit!
I'm still...
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Thanks to all my friends who actually kept me on their list! That's awesome. I'm sure it was more laziness than anything else, but still, I appreciate it dammit!
I'm still...
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nice to see youve come back!
I don't delete people just cause there name goes grey. they are still my friend they jusst left the site. thats my pov.
to bad about your nephew and the dog really. i hope things work out well for both of them.
many have come and gone since you've been gone im sure it will be interesting as you navigate through peoples journals.
they keep changing the layout and not for the better
anyhow glad to see you back and glad to hear your still with the same man!
nice to see youve come back!
I don't delete people just cause there name goes grey. they are still my friend they jusst left the site. thats my pov.
to bad about your nephew and the dog really. i hope things work out well for both of them.
many have come and gone since you've been gone im sure it will be interesting as you navigate through peoples journals.
they keep changing the layout and not for the better
anyhow glad to see you back and glad to hear your still with the same man!