nick just dropped by to say goodbye. he's on his way to santa barbara now. oh well. i should call andrew. hmm.
oh, and you should all go to sg hopefuls cuz i took a bunch of new pics and put them there, and then after you look at the pics you should post in the thread about them giving me advice and such.
i'm kinda stinky. i probably should've put deoderant on today. meh.
my kitty is as cute as ever.
i've decided that my fish is a guppy. i'm pretty sure anyway. one of the fish at petsmart had babies and i took them home but i forgot to ask what kind they were. but now that it's a little bigger i'm pretty sure it's a guppy. i was hoping it was a cichlid (they have lots of babies too), but i dont think so. which makes me sad. oh well. either way, i need to buy a better tank for it. right now it's in a mason jar. hm, we need a fish icon.
ok, well, i guess that's it. GO TO THE SG HOPEFULS GROUP AND COMMENT ON MY PICTURES!!! now! hurry!
nick just dropped by to say goodbye. he's on his way to santa barbara now. oh well. i should call andrew. hmm.
oh, and you should all go to sg hopefuls cuz i took a bunch of new pics and put them there, and then after you look at the pics you should post in the thread about them giving me advice and such.
i'm kinda stinky. i probably should've put deoderant on today. meh.
my kitty is as cute as ever.
i've decided that my fish is a guppy. i'm pretty sure anyway. one of the fish at petsmart had babies and i took them home but i forgot to ask what kind they were. but now that it's a little bigger i'm pretty sure it's a guppy. i was hoping it was a cichlid (they have lots of babies too), but i dont think so. which makes me sad. oh well. either way, i need to buy a better tank for it. right now it's in a mason jar. hm, we need a fish icon.
ok, well, i guess that's it. GO TO THE SG HOPEFULS GROUP AND COMMENT ON MY PICTURES!!! now! hurry!
Yeah it sucks big time. It's almost over at least, then we have all the unpacking to do. WEEE!! Stupid laundry detergent, yeah it's all gooey and everywhere. At least my car smells fresh.