yay!! i'm so proud of myself! i woke up this morning and before i could think about it enough to change my mind, i went for a job! woohoo! i was going to follow this couch potato to 5k plan thingie online, but i misread it and thought it said 60 secs of jogging then 60 secs of walking for a total of 20 mins, actually it said 90 secs of jogging, but whatever. i could only do the jogging part 5 times and then i felt like dying so i walked my 60 secs and then jogged the last 20 secs or so to my apartment where it was all i could do to not collapse. still though! i did it! i got off my lazy ass and jogged! i'm proud dammit.
so. my kitten. oh the craziness. last night i was holding her and then there was some thunder, so she sliced my throat open. really. i actually had blood dripping down my throat because she cut me so deep. i'm sure i'll get lots of stares at work. ugh.
so then i decided to mess with her a bit. her fav place to be is the bathroom sink for some reason, so i filled it up with about a half inch of water and watched her try to figure out a way to get in without getting wet. after about 5 mins she got bored, so i tossed a q-tip in, which she really loves playing with. that kept her going for another 10 mins. then i tossed in a bit of food (cuz it floats) and oh man, that was fun. she was running around in circle around the sink trying very hard to get that food. she'd dip her paw in then jump back when it got wet and was hissing at it and getting all flustered. oh it was funny.
eventually i jsut drained it though and she got her food.
then, this morning, she jumped up on the toilet to get onto the counter and missed and fell into the toilet. lol. crazy cat. so now she's all wet and not very pleased with the bathroom cuz it's out to get her.
anyway. i feel like dying. ugh. this is what happens when you dont work out at all for 2 years and then go jogging. *passes out and vomits*
so. my kitten. oh the craziness. last night i was holding her and then there was some thunder, so she sliced my throat open. really. i actually had blood dripping down my throat because she cut me so deep. i'm sure i'll get lots of stares at work. ugh.
so then i decided to mess with her a bit. her fav place to be is the bathroom sink for some reason, so i filled it up with about a half inch of water and watched her try to figure out a way to get in without getting wet. after about 5 mins she got bored, so i tossed a q-tip in, which she really loves playing with. that kept her going for another 10 mins. then i tossed in a bit of food (cuz it floats) and oh man, that was fun. she was running around in circle around the sink trying very hard to get that food. she'd dip her paw in then jump back when it got wet and was hissing at it and getting all flustered. oh it was funny.

then, this morning, she jumped up on the toilet to get onto the counter and missed and fell into the toilet. lol. crazy cat. so now she's all wet and not very pleased with the bathroom cuz it's out to get her.
anyway. i feel like dying. ugh. this is what happens when you dont work out at all for 2 years and then go jogging. *passes out and vomits*
Cat torture is always amusing. My preferred method is the laser pointer. It drives my two cats batshit, especially when it moves onto them and they can't "get it off"!