so yeah. work work work. and a littl ebit of school, although not as much as was intended. meh. it's not like i really need to do homework. i mean, i dont have to get good grades. i dont have to go to med school. i dont have to make anything of my life. blah.
i finally saw willy wonka with hankmeister the other day. it was awesome.
oh, i need to call him back... i'll do that later though. i just got off a 9 hour shift with no water (my fault, oops), no chap stick (that nearly killed me) and yeah. i'm dying. so i'm gonna go run down and get something to drnk, then i'm gonna pack up and go to tehachapi for a few days to help out my sister cuz my parents are going to yosemite. lucky them. so anyway, i wont be around on here for that time. probably. unless i stop by to feed my animals (not my kitten, i'm bringing her with me, but my turtle and my newt and my fish) and then i might go on here too, but probably not.
i know you'll miss me.
ok, bye now!
so yeah. work work work. and a littl ebit of school, although not as much as was intended. meh. it's not like i really need to do homework. i mean, i dont have to get good grades. i dont have to go to med school. i dont have to make anything of my life. blah.
i finally saw willy wonka with hankmeister the other day. it was awesome.
i know you'll miss me.
ok, bye now!
I can't remember much about Willy Wonka... must rent it again.