oh my god bakersfield is pathetic. the librarian just tried to tell me that the only books cs lewis has written are in the kids section. um, no!!!! and then she looked him up and was like "oh, well here's some books too, but they're in the religion section." yes. i know that. that's what i was looking for. this town is like 90% christian too. ugh. maybe cs lewis just thinks too much and is way too smart for the majority of the christians here. that's my real problem with them too. my parents are cool, smart people. and they're christian. it's not like it's impossible or anything to be smart and believe in god, but if you were to look at the average christian in this fucking town you'd be amazed at the completely moronic things that they say. one chick in my poli sci class said that evolution is just like another religion. one guy said that the bible doesnt say anything bad about women. ARG!!!
and of course, i forgot my librarry card, so i'm going back there now so i can actually get my cs lewis books, as well as the jungle (i've still never read that), and an adams douglas book. i forget which one. lol
and of course, i forgot my librarry card, so i'm going back there now so i can actually get my cs lewis books, as well as the jungle (i've still never read that), and an adams douglas book. i forget which one. lol
Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the hell out of the Narnia books, but anyone who knows the bible will read them and see serious parallels.
I dunno. maybe I felt like being a "Friend Request Ninja"
quick and stealthy-like.
they really need a ninja smilie.
but, I know you really wanna be my friend. cuz i'm way cool. like whoa. I swear.