people who say that we dont have the right to choose how we die piss me off. one guy in class today said that because we dont get to choose when we were born we shouldnt get to choose when we die. not even if we get some horrible painful disease that will take years and then eventually kill us. how does he have the right to tell me that i have to live in pain because of his idea of what "god" wants? grrs. then some other chick kept saying things like "so you think it's ok to kill 4 year olds with cerebal palsy?" NO! when did i say that? i didnt say that. i said that i think that if people have the ability to decide when they should die that they should have the right to. a child doesnt have that ability. so dont fucking try to turn around what i'm saying in your warped little head. fucking pta mom.
your not being mean to the newt just cause you want a dart frog are ya?????