i think i could handle not having any friends if i thought it was a temporary thing, but after a few years of it i find it very hard to believe that it will ever change. and of course, that is entirely my fault. i know i'm relaly hard to get along with, but as much as i work on it, and as much as i improve (really, you think i'm bad now you should've seen me a few years ago), it's never enough. and the thought of having to live an entire lifetime like this is just too much. i dont know why i even try. i dont know why i get up in the morning. all i do is hurt people. it's not intentional, but i do. and that's it. it's not like i'm doing anything with my life.
i just dont want to feel this way anymore.
i just dont want to feel this way anymore.
aawww sweety your going to school and you joined a sorority thats doing stuff and you saved 4 kittens from a certain death. thats a pretty cool thing, that not everyone would have done. I think your super cool. and theres no way that im the only one and because of you i try much harder when posting, using punctuation and grammer. although it may not look like it(but it has) you are always educating me about cool animals that i otherwise would have never known about. I suppose this does very little for your mood. I just want you to know that you are one of the reasons i post so much i love reading your journals and the chatting we do although its not alot but i really really enjoy it. you always make me smile (see) I wish that i could make you feel better. I hope it goes away very very soon. I'm certain that it will. I think your Awesome