so anyone feel like buying me a 20 gallon long or wide aquarium with a glass top? i really want some froggies. i suppose once my newt dies i could use that tank, i dont know where to find the top though. hmm. oh well.
i'm hungry. i dont feel like going anywhere to get food though. i'd order a pizza, but i dont really want to do that either. does anyone want to bring me food? that'd be cool... then you can play with my kitty! yay. she likes to attack my fingers while i'm typing. i have dozens of scratches from her. dangerous kitty. rawr.
i'm hungry. i dont feel like going anywhere to get food though. i'd order a pizza, but i dont really want to do that either. does anyone want to bring me food? that'd be cool... then you can play with my kitty! yay. she likes to attack my fingers while i'm typing. i have dozens of scratches from her. dangerous kitty. rawr.
to get a sheet of glass just go to one of those places that cuts glass or makes glass doors tell them the dimension you need and they'll cut it for you although to get the edges smooth itll cost you more but if your flirty it may not
so how long do newts live