Ugh, so I've been trying to save money because I'm beyond broke. Stupid holidays meant that I had to take time off work, and then my grandfather died so I had to take more time off (which was just a shitty situation all around. I'm just glad he's not in pain or drugged out of his mind anymore), and what it's all led to is me having a grand total of $300 in my bank account right now, with my $875 rent check due at the end of the month, as well as a $150 credit card bill, $50 for internet (which I'm cancelling) and $30 or so for PG&E, not the mention gas and food and whatnot, so basically, I'm kinda fucked and seriously short. So I got to my credit card site and see that I just got charged $48 for this site even though I haven't been here in forever because although I thought I cancelled it, apparently I forgot. So, I repeat. Ugh. But at least now I have another year here? Or something? I should be moving in with my boyfriend soon though, which will save me about $1,000 a month. Yay! I'll be able to pay off my credit cards! And work on paying off school loans! I'm actually about to head to the landlords office to see what the penalty is for moving out before my lease is up. I don't know if I can make it to March.... What would help is if I could get a real job, but none of the hospitals around here are hiring. I really do like being a waitress, but come on!!! I've been doing it for 7 fucking years. It's become my career, and I hate that. I want things like a regular salary that isnt dependent on other people voluntarily giving me their money. And health insurance. I'd really, really like health insurance. Although I haven't gotten strep since I moved here, which is kinda amazing cuz I was getting it every couple of months in Bako. Must be because here I can actually breathe oxygen. Yay!! Air that's more air than pollution!
Umm.... let's see. So, since I live in Monterey I've been going to see the Sharks and they keep pissing me off by losing. Fucking sharks. I spent a lovely day in San Fransisco earlier this week too, which was fun. And of course, lots and lots and lots of hiking and walking and climbing on rocks at the beach to poke the sea anemones (which is just about my favorite activity). Yup. I think I'll upload a bunch of pics here now, yay!
Umm.... let's see. So, since I live in Monterey I've been going to see the Sharks and they keep pissing me off by losing. Fucking sharks. I spent a lovely day in San Fransisco earlier this week too, which was fun. And of course, lots and lots and lots of hiking and walking and climbing on rocks at the beach to poke the sea anemones (which is just about my favorite activity). Yup. I think I'll upload a bunch of pics here now, yay!
"stirfry sounds so good right now... hell is a place with no chinese food... wanna get married?"