Ugh, so I've been trying to save money because I'm beyond broke. Stupid holidays meant that I had to take time off work, and then my grandfather died so I had to take more time off (which was just a shitty situation all around. I'm just glad he's not in pain or drugged out of his mind anymore), and what it's all led to is...
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Hi! I keep wondering why I pay for this site since I only go on once every few months. Whatever. So I live in Monterey now. Well, Marina technically, but yeah. I've been here about a month. I like it so far, although not knowing anyone here kinda sucks. I miss my friends.
But I got to go camping last week with my family, which...
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Nice to see you're still around...
Did you have a good Thanksgiving?
So today is a bad day. I wont go into why on here, but yeah. Much alcohol and junk food is being consumed.
In other news, me and monterey boy broke up, lol. Shocking, I know. He was a manipulative jackass, but he was also really good in bed, so I'm kinda sad. I think I'm still gonna move there though. I like Monterey. It's...
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In other news, me and monterey boy broke up, lol. Shocking, I know. He was a manipulative jackass, but he was also really good in bed, so I'm kinda sad. I think I'm still gonna move there though. I like Monterey. It's...
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I love Monterrey
How did the move go?

So as of yesterday I am officially done with school, yay!!!! I wont know if i passed my certification exam for a few more weeks, but I'm not worried. I'm sure I did, and even if I didnt, it's not the end of the world. I can retake it, and I can actually work without it anyway.
Of course, now the tricky part starts. I've...
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Of course, now the tricky part starts. I've...
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Congratulations on being done with school!! I would say to look for a job in Bakersfield since you do not know if things will work out.
I am forced to agree with that, moving in with a dude from another town after a few months of somewhat dating?
4 Things I have asked my neighbors to stop doing that I shouldn't have had to
1. Please stop playing music at 3am at full volume.
2. Please stop letting your dog crap under my stairs and then leaving it there.
3. Please stop unscrewing the light bulb that lights my stairs.
4. Please stop parking an inch in front of my garage so I...
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1. Please stop playing music at 3am at full volume.
2. Please stop letting your dog crap under my stairs and then leaving it there.
3. Please stop unscrewing the light bulb that lights my stairs.
4. Please stop parking an inch in front of my garage so I...
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One thing I have done, is turned in a list like that to my apartment manager and make them be the bad guy instead of you. I do the same thing at concerts if some one is in my seats. I get the usher to remove them and not talk to them myself, it's their job to do that stuff anyway.
going to the apartment manager on your drug dealing gang member neighbors can be tricky. i really dont want them to dislike me.
Ok! After an hour of back and forth between two computers and lots of unplugging and replugging cables and all kinds of banging my head into my desk, I finally successfully reapplied to be an sg. Since I was accepted so long ago I had to reapply. Hopefully it's accepted again... But if not, oh well. I can still take lots of fun pics and...
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You are WAY better than that! Bummer bout your cat bed.
Life is cooooooooooooomplicated. See you tonight... 

my friends keep telling me that they wont talk to me anymore cuz i'm making bad decisions with my life. which really sucks. how am i supposed to make good decisions when i have no one supporting me? when the only person who helps me is the fucking coke head who they're all so pissed at?
things always tend to get worse before they get better when you make changes to better your life. thats what someone once told me.
you just gotta take the hits and keep moving forward
you just gotta take the hits and keep moving forward
I'll second that. Ditch the coke head and see what happens.
Ok so I get out of work and I check my phone and I have a picture text from someone. uh oh. I don't do picture texts because I'm on my parents family plan and we don't get free ones, so all my friends know not to send me them. So I open it. It's a naked picture of a guy. I cant tell which...
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Ok, well, that's what I do. At least, I think that's what I"m doing. I have the pic all sized and everything, I go to edit profile, I click the "browse" button on my primary photo, then hit save. There's no "upload" button anywhere that I"m seeing? Or am I just dumb?
Yes, when you hit save it should upload the photo and replace your primary automatically. Should take a minute or you click on "open" after you browse?
Should work.
Should work.
I'm making some mac and cheese and it smells fantastic. Another 5 or 10 mins and the cheese on top will be all nice and crispy and oh so yummy. Which is why I'm posting on here. Trying to distract myself so time goes by quicker. I'm hungry dammit!!
So let's see. I only have 6 more weeks of school. Thank God. I'm so tired...
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So let's see. I only have 6 more weeks of school. Thank God. I'm so tired...
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Sounds really f*****N good! Now I'm hungry....thanks a lot!
Sounds that much extra rad!
Ok I'm pretty sure my lungs are attempting to make a break for freedom from the confines of my chest. Which is so not cool, cuz I kinda need them to do stuff like breathe. And live. And I quite like living. It probably doesnt help that yesterday I went running around in the snow for an hour or so. Which was grand fun. Then...
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Why yes, yes we were in the 08. Shocking, I know. And then, the next day he had to meet up with his ex to get some tax stuff taken care of, and ended up fucking her. Awesome.
Gotta love dating in the 661
Do you get tax breaks for mercy fucks? The IRS does baffle me... as does the native male population around here...

"stirfry sounds so good right now... hell is a place with no chinese food... wanna get married?"