This is religious so don't bother reading it if you're a hater.
Do you ever have moments when you are seconds from lossing it? We come from the dust, we're fragile. Like it's written in the Psalms; Each persons life is but a breathe. Even thouse whom seem secure. Have you ever walked teh halls of a hospital, looked into an open casket, looked onto a really bad car accident, then you know exactly what I am talking about. Life is fragile. Yet at the same time we have been breathed into by the creator of the universe. And this divine breathe is in ever single human being. Psalm 8 says, "God has crowned us with gloriy and honor." We the people are sacred beings made from dirt clogs, and yet we posses untold power and strength. You're life is but a breathe and yet you were made by the creator of everything. Now for thousands of years people have understood that the physical breath that we all posses is actually a picture of a deeper reality. In the bible the word for breathe is the same as spirit. In the hebrew language it's the word ruwach, and in the greek it is the word nooma. One scripture says that when God takes away the ruwach, breathe, of all living creatures then they die and return to the dust, but when God sends the ruwach, spirit, they are created. Breathe, spirit, same word. Now think about that. We carry the spirit of Christ in us, and everything we do we do with Christ. When we do something, when we know we aren't sappost to be doing, we in reality are forcing Christ to do that thing. And when we get angry at someone we are getting angry at the spirit of Christ.
I just want you to think on these things, and to think about it before you cuss out someone, give the one finger salute, or are about to have sex. You have the holy spirit with in you, so why now live for the holy spirit?
This is just some rambling, and things I remember from our class tonight. Thought it would be nice to share.
Do you ever have moments when you are seconds from lossing it? We come from the dust, we're fragile. Like it's written in the Psalms; Each persons life is but a breathe. Even thouse whom seem secure. Have you ever walked teh halls of a hospital, looked into an open casket, looked onto a really bad car accident, then you know exactly what I am talking about. Life is fragile. Yet at the same time we have been breathed into by the creator of the universe. And this divine breathe is in ever single human being. Psalm 8 says, "God has crowned us with gloriy and honor." We the people are sacred beings made from dirt clogs, and yet we posses untold power and strength. You're life is but a breathe and yet you were made by the creator of everything. Now for thousands of years people have understood that the physical breath that we all posses is actually a picture of a deeper reality. In the bible the word for breathe is the same as spirit. In the hebrew language it's the word ruwach, and in the greek it is the word nooma. One scripture says that when God takes away the ruwach, breathe, of all living creatures then they die and return to the dust, but when God sends the ruwach, spirit, they are created. Breathe, spirit, same word. Now think about that. We carry the spirit of Christ in us, and everything we do we do with Christ. When we do something, when we know we aren't sappost to be doing, we in reality are forcing Christ to do that thing. And when we get angry at someone we are getting angry at the spirit of Christ.
I just want you to think on these things, and to think about it before you cuss out someone, give the one finger salute, or are about to have sex. You have the holy spirit with in you, so why now live for the holy spirit?
This is just some rambling, and things I remember from our class tonight. Thought it would be nice to share.
One of my favorite sayings is,"As above, so below."