I was thinking, thank goodness that I don't have to fly. For one. I must have my H2O! The airplane air is so dry, it makes my lips crack. My lips hurt just thinking about this...For two. NO LIPSTICK!!!!!!????????! Holy mother of God! What has western civilization come to? Just because those TWA's (third world assasins) don't want their women to show their faces, why do we have to be punished with no lipstick?! They have no need for lipstick, but I do. ( Really I understand the seriousness of all that is going on and it's a damn shame so many innocents have been hurt or killed, and I'm sure more will be. But now, I am venting and being silly). I was really bummed when I couldn't take my crochet hook on the plane in fear I would do something really bad with it, besides making yet another crooked scarf for a friend. The airlines no longer have food service, who says thet will give us water? Or for 250 ml they will charge what we spend on 5 gal.Throw me in jail for when I become a beligerant, dehydrated, split and chapped lipped, pale in real need of lipstick, consumer! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!