I'm back in South Carolina right now and my life is insane.
I miss Colorado, and I miss the boy. I haven't had a computer in so long I've missed my suicidegirls. I don't really know what road I'm walking down right now in life, but I know I can't see worth shit, and I've got bruises and cuts from this trek that I feel will never heal. I know that it's not true... and that all things pass in time,
but time will choke you if you let it. I need some kind of direction. Fuck.
I'm 22 now too. I don't like 22.
Sorry for not being a great internet friend. I miss you all!
I miss Colorado, and I miss the boy. I haven't had a computer in so long I've missed my suicidegirls. I don't really know what road I'm walking down right now in life, but I know I can't see worth shit, and I've got bruises and cuts from this trek that I feel will never heal. I know that it's not true... and that all things pass in time,
but time will choke you if you let it. I need some kind of direction. Fuck.
I'm 22 now too. I don't like 22.
Sorry for not being a great internet friend. I miss you all!

ah, life.....it's like trying to cross a forest while drunk.
I like to say, "at least i'm drunk."