So I’ve got some pretty good news to share with all of my friends and followers here in SG-land. Y’all remember how I was struggling to get enough money to avoid getting evicted from my home by the end of the month?
Well, with the help of one of my longest time friends who’s known me since well before I turned 18, I was able to secure a small loan that gave me enough money to not only pay what I needed to my landlord but also pay some additional bills while waiting for my first paycheck from my new job. So yay there! And I make enough at my new job to be able to repay the loan over the next several years without putting me in a bad spot doing so.
I’m also networking with local area photographers to get back into modeling again, because I truly miss it. And with me currently living in the birthplace of SG itself, I’m very hopeful that I’ll be able to find photographers willing to shoot new Hopeful sets with me. Fingers crossed!!
Sorry I’ve been so quiet here lately. My mental health has been having some serious ups and downs, and I’m trying to stabilize it again. It doesn’t help that I found out a few days ago that my divorce lawyer passed away last fall unexpectedly. So that’s thrown me for a rather large loop, because without his help, I doubt that Minion and I would be living here in the PNW today.
Oh, and I’m happily back to having my wild and crazy hair colors, so expect to see some awesome colorful pics coming soon. Particularly as I went a little bit crazy in Ulta shortly after moving here, and now I have lots of colorful makeup, so I’m doing my makeup a hell of a lot more often. I feel super pretty and much more confident with it done too because of how much practice I’m getting.
Anyway, hope y’all are doing well, and I’ll catch you later.