So there’s a bit of good news and a bit of not-so-good news…the good news is that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! The bad news is that I’m afraid it’s just a train that’s about to run me over and flatten me right as I can almost see the end of our finances being upside down, since I got a new job (just barely but hey! Still!)
I’m still struggling to catch up on my past due rent but at least I’m mostly caught up on the other bills (thanks to everyone’s amazing support!) …it doesn’t hurt that I finally managed to get a decent paying job after a long time of searching and what felt like fruitlessly interviewing…but I still don’t have the hours I need to get all caught up, and with my landlord having now decided that they want almost $4k at once by the end of April (next month), I’m feeling like I’m caught between a rock and a hard place, so here I am, sharing my gofundme campaign again …as well as my cashapp and Venmo tags if you’re one of those who’d much rather not have any fees taken out by gofundme.
Gofundme -
CA - $kowekitty
Venmo - @ slytherkitty
I really can’t say enough how much it means to me to know just how amazing this community truly is.