This week, for our homework, @lyxzen @missy @rambo have asked us to tell you guys what our new year's resolutions are.
I don't really do resolutions anymore, mainly because I know I'll forget about them maybe halfway into January. So instead, what I like to do is focus on what went well in the previous year, and use all that positive energy to make the new year a great one as well. For example, this previous year I did my first few vintage pin-up shoots, and absolutely loved the results, so this year I've decided I'm going to schedule more of that style shoot because of how much I enjoyed doing the first ones.
Or the fact that I did a little traveling around (mainly for work and family weddings) and found places that are both gorgeous and fun. So A and I have planned on doing a lot of day-tripping during the month that the Mini is in Colorado with her grandma and Nana, with some awesome shoots planned in nature. I can't wait! Not to mention that I'm also scheduling Zivity and SG shoots with photographers within a day's travel of here.
I firmly believe that what energy you put out into the world comes back to you threefold, and while recently my ability to remain positive has been sorely tested, I still feel that I need to concentrate on the good more than the bad. It's a work in progress, as always. :)
Wishing you the best in 2015,