God, I'm having such a hard time picking a Christmas/holiday costume for a shoot...I wish y'all would help. I've got three top contenders, but being a typical Libra, I'm stuck now that I've narrowed it that far down. Do you think you could help me?
I'm also having a heck of a time figuring out how to just get photos of the costumes without having to copy/paste the entire Amazon link...geez! it's been that kind of a day. I was running errands since 11am all the way to 5pm today without a break. yuck!
So anyway, if y'all don't mind helping, I'd totally love it!
What are the finalists? Perhaps take a mini-set with your phone or something? Just a self-shot one that'll just be to help us (and more importantly, yourself) decide perhaps? :D
I don't have the costumes yet, I'm trying to decide which one to buy off Amazon haha.