I have to say, I have a very very hard time choosing a favorite author, there are so many greats that I love! I guess you could say it's the Libra in me coming out again haha. So rather than trying to choose just one, I'm going to tell you some of my favorites. ;)
First off, I absolutely LOVE JRR Tolkien. His Lord of the Rings trilogy and the Hobbit are two of the works that I feel shaped my life, and really made me learn to love reading as a child. I still have the original books I was given by my father when I was little, with a copyright date of the early 70s. As a matter of fact, the cover images in this photo are those on my books. I still re-read these as frequently as I did growing up. If I can't find something good to read that's newer, I always go back to my old stand-bys.
I'm also a huge fan of JK Rowling's Harry Potter series. I remember reading them as a teenager and they just somehow spoke to me. Probably because I could understand where Harry was coming from with all the teenage angst. At the time I was reading them, the books were actually coming out for the first time in print. Up til my mom threw it out, I actually had a copy of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix purchased at the midnight release by my then-boyfriend. I got rid of the boyfriend and kept the book haha. Every so often I will re-read the entire series from start to finish in order. Each time I do, I realize new things I had missed prior. Plus, I'm a member of Pottermore, so I find out the awesome little tidbits from JK Rowling as I play through the books. ;)
And last, but certainly not least, is one of my all-time favorites, under both of her pseudonyms. When I'm feeling the need for a murder mystery, I dive into J.D. Robb again. I just need to finish buying all the In Death books for my Kindle so I can re-read them in order from start to current-finish. :) I absolutely love Eve Dallas and Rourke. ;)
And of course, when I'm in the mood for a juicy romance, I read her under her other name, Nora Roberts. So there you have it, three of my favorite authors. ;) There are more of course that I love to read, but none that I read as often as I do these three.
Hope you enjoyed seeing who I love to read, cuz I love telling people about my favorite authors. :) Who are yours?