I'm so sorry I haven't been around much guys. I'm still working two jobs (both fulltime), so it's a struggle to even have the energy to do anything once I'm actually home for more than a few hours at a time. I definitely miss y'all too.
Had a few things happen while I've been away. I got a 2nd job working at a potato plant, and quit Macy's, and am also working for AT&T from home, while waiting for school to start this spring. I got the good news about my LPN program and I got in!!! So totally excited for that.
Adam and I also took part in a big Halloween group shoot up in Swan Valley, and the images that have started coming back are freaking awesome! The only thing I don't like is that most of the photographers insist on using gigantic watermarks that distract from the image itself. We had about 8 or 9 models show up, and 4 total photographers, so good turnout and good energy. ;)
I am hoping to quit the potato plant as of November 1st and concentrate totally on AT&T, because the pay is better, and I'd rather work one good paying job than two or three mediocre paying jobs. Particularly as he's just started working again, and every-fucking-thing is coming due at once....so we're struggling. But nothing new there. I just know I'm going to bust my ass at school so I get my LPN and things smooth out a bit. I guess you could say I'm driven.
I'm going to leave you with a few sneak peeks from the Halloween shootfest/group shoot, and I really hope things smooth out a hell of a lot sooner than expected, but I'm not holding my breath. I definitely hope to be here more after the 1st.