Long time since I hit up this site again. Home from work, sick. I think I know what it is that caused me to be home, but going to the doctor tomorrow so.. Plenty of different things happening. I was having problems with my hard drive. Boom one day a couple of weeks ago I met face to a blue screen. Windows wouldn't open. Called DELL. Still under a Warranty Dell sent a technican to my home. Yeah. Replaced my HardDrive. I never backed up anything. Always back up. So I'm starting clean. What a bitch though. Wondering about the health of myself. I ache like I ran a marathon yesterday. Which really I stayed in bed. I need a good slap and start a healthy life style. I think the slap is happening right now. Yuck. so so soon I will be back to my top. Ok bed ride time.
Happy Birthday cutey

Happy Birthday!