It's been a year, living in the small apartment. Been running around. It's amazing what people assume people will pay for run down lil rentable homes. Finally got a freak in the sheets. Very entertaining. Corpse Bong I placed an order for Daddy X's Organic Soul. Yeah Monday morning and I'm tired. Never a good way to start a week. Pluse there is no bathroom at the job site. Piss and shit if ya have too in a bucket. Feeling kindof ill at the moment. Liquid deposits if you get me.
K later.
Def keep in touch via E-mails. What's goin on with yer cuz who moved to Florida? How's her massage practices going. Any other other state besides NY, I'd already have a liscence. No biggie; I'm glad it's longer so not just any idiot can do bodywork. You havve to know what u r doin'
later bro-----keep a craker posted and stay DOWN 4 THA KROWN!!!!!