To anyone who cares, Have a friend, might be laid. For Real it's been almost 4 years. This beautiful 35 year old, called me and wants to meet.
I delayed her, I stil have my cold. I'm not passing this to anyone
All of you who don't get regular love play, could understand what this will do for me.
I'm a lump of colored clay. If she acts remotely the same as on the phone, O man.
I have nothing to lose by meeting her. Rather nervous she has a PhD in Psychology. I will hold my ground.
I delayed her, I stil have my cold. I'm not passing this to anyone
All of you who don't get regular love play, could understand what this will do for me.
I'm a lump of colored clay. If she acts remotely the same as on the phone, O man.
I have nothing to lose by meeting her. Rather nervous she has a PhD in Psychology. I will hold my ground.