I was not really scared of anything as a kid, except maybe my dad finding out I was the one who burned the rug.....oh wait he did find out and my mom was the one who practically strangled me ! We alll laugh about it to this day, my mom only find out about some other devilish tricks this year at christmas, the kids sat around and divulged who really flushed the hamster down the toilet, etc. It was very cathartic ;-)
I would have thought Jehovahs Witnesses weren't allowed to do things like ride in Ski lifts, I mean is fun part of religion
Thank you for the note, it was such a wonderful suprise.
Oh god, you know what freaked me out as a kid...2 things.
The clwn from IT destroyed me forever..although I have a mild obsession with clowns now, I actually have framed clowns in my kitchen...mm..summer means circus, that should be nice.
Ok, I used to not be able to sleep with my hands uncovered, I would shove them under the pillow, for some reason I thought they would get cut off or something, or that if it hung over the bed the moster living under there would grab them and pull me into his dark little hole.......I have long since conquered that fear, and now sleep slap in the middle of the bed, regardless of if I am sharing and sometimes wake up where my feet should be...I have even fallen out upon occassion
Thanks again, that was really nice and thoughful of you and made me
I would have thought Jehovahs Witnesses weren't allowed to do things like ride in Ski lifts, I mean is fun part of religion
Thank you for the note, it was such a wonderful suprise.
Oh god, you know what freaked me out as a kid...2 things.
The clwn from IT destroyed me forever..although I have a mild obsession with clowns now, I actually have framed clowns in my kitchen...mm..summer means circus, that should be nice.
Ok, I used to not be able to sleep with my hands uncovered, I would shove them under the pillow, for some reason I thought they would get cut off or something, or that if it hung over the bed the moster living under there would grab them and pull me into his dark little hole.......I have long since conquered that fear, and now sleep slap in the middle of the bed, regardless of if I am sharing and sometimes wake up where my feet should be...I have even fallen out upon occassion
Thanks again, that was really nice and thoughful of you and made me