End of the year blahs.
*Post edited to cover up the stupid gif from the site that I can't apparently figure out how to use since the stupid thing changed. Yes, what a totally useless waste of space this post is now.
**Post double edited to add: fuck-o.
***Post triple edited to add: OK, meez, try to work properly instead of wonking out and then going down for hours.

*Post edited to cover up the stupid gif from the site that I can't apparently figure out how to use since the stupid thing changed. Yes, what a totally useless waste of space this post is now.
**Post double edited to add: fuck-o.
***Post triple edited to add: OK, meez, try to work properly instead of wonking out and then going down for hours.

I 'm, sure she had the best intentions when she said it. Everyone deals with death differently, but if you tell me that its a "beautiful thing" and I respectuflly disagree don't try to get me to see your point of view.
Anyways thank you for your condolences.