So, headed to Escondido tomorrow for extended family pre-Christmas. Picking up my niece on the way in Azusa. She just started going to college at AP. She's had more than her fair share of problems to overcome growing up, so It will be interesting to catch up with her as I haven't talked to her as an adult, well, ever probably.
I've been insomnia'd as of late, in part due to the usual stuff, but even more by my recent foray into potential LASIK surgery. My mom said she'd get if for me as a present. I've worn glasses since I was 8. I can't see dick all without them and as such they've impeded a fair share of activities over the years and caused me plenty of worry. An example: 1994, Northridge quake. They go sliding off the bedside table and I can't find them. Running for the door frame with broken glass all over the floor and furniture splayed everwhere is quite the diabolical freakout when you can't see.
Anyway, the other worry is you know, having someone slice open your eyeballs and shoot lasers into your brainpan. Sure, it's a very common, quick, safe surgery, I read the pamphlet, but your fricking eyeholes!
In other news, I'm 12 pages into my new script. I may not finish it by the end of the year...but I'm tryin' dammit.
I've been insomnia'd as of late, in part due to the usual stuff, but even more by my recent foray into potential LASIK surgery. My mom said she'd get if for me as a present. I've worn glasses since I was 8. I can't see dick all without them and as such they've impeded a fair share of activities over the years and caused me plenty of worry. An example: 1994, Northridge quake. They go sliding off the bedside table and I can't find them. Running for the door frame with broken glass all over the floor and furniture splayed everwhere is quite the diabolical freakout when you can't see.
Anyway, the other worry is you know, having someone slice open your eyeballs and shoot lasers into your brainpan. Sure, it's a very common, quick, safe surgery, I read the pamphlet, but your fricking eyeholes!
In other news, I'm 12 pages into my new script. I may not finish it by the end of the year...but I'm tryin' dammit.

it was an enjoyable conversation. hope you remember some of it.