So, went to a special Fright Night at the CIA last night. I've gone to the last two events with friends and indeed, a fun time was had by all. Last night was a special showing of the remake of 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre' to promote the current one. I got some free swag, which I always enjoy. It was good to get out. The promoter had a friend of a friend dress up as Leatherface and run through the crowd with a chainsaw toward the end of the movie. It scared the crap out of a few people. It was quite amusing. The family of possums that live in the tree outside also seemed to enjoy themselves, or perhaps it was seeing one of their relatives pop out of a locker in a cheap scare at the beginning of the movie.

i went to a free showing of "The Girl Next Door" when i lived down there. I was hoping they were gonna give free porn stars for swag, but all i got was this stupid t-shirt.
Wow, I have typed the words "I'm so jealous" two times today already. Now three. I've never been to any party; I've never been invited