So, monday night I'm over at my friend Mike's, watching The Amazing Race with his roommate Kirsten as we do. The show ends, the Kentuckians are still in it (and pretty much the only team worth liking at this point) and Kirsten goes to bed. Mike and I stay up to have another drink and watch the season ending Venture Bros. (funny stuff, seriously) when suddenly the dogs go nutty.
OK, they have 3 dogs between them, two smaller beagle-type dogs and then Butters. THE Butters. The dog resembles nothing less than an ottoman with legs. A coffee table with paws. A propane tank with a tail. So, The Butters goes nutso, hearing something in the kitchen. We go to investigate and he's just about shoving their fridge out of the way with his massive head. We pull the fridge away and lo and behold, there's four MICE clamoring for their rodent lives against the back grating, trying to get away from Sumo Cujo.
By this time, Kirsten gets up, wondering what the hell we're doing. We manage to corral the dogs and then Mike's wondering just how the hell you get rid of four mice? It's clear they were on some sort of clandestine Splinter Cell type operation, but then The Butters--the Team America of this scenario--swooped in to foil their plan.
Now, I don't know if you know this, but mice are and not terrible coaxed with promises of non-Gitmo like treatment if they just skidaddle. So, out comes the only WMD (weapon of mice destruction) you really have in a situation like this--the broom of sweeping! (+1 to agility, +1 to keeping potentially disease-bearing monsters at bay). The fridge grate is banged. One guy shoots out the side, up the step stool and on to the kitchen counter.
ME: Hey, look, there's one.
(Kirsten jumps into my arms.)
Seriously, I thought that only happened in old movies, but apparently it happens in real life too. Go figure.
I helped at this stage by being the goaly and shooing them (with much manly forcefulness I might add) toward the exit. Anyway, all four were eventually run out of Dodge (two out the back door, two out the opening behind the dryer where they probably came in.)
The Butters was let back in to ensure all rodents were vacated--they were--and there was much rejoicing. Then we had another beer.
OK, they have 3 dogs between them, two smaller beagle-type dogs and then Butters. THE Butters. The dog resembles nothing less than an ottoman with legs. A coffee table with paws. A propane tank with a tail. So, The Butters goes nutso, hearing something in the kitchen. We go to investigate and he's just about shoving their fridge out of the way with his massive head. We pull the fridge away and lo and behold, there's four MICE clamoring for their rodent lives against the back grating, trying to get away from Sumo Cujo.
By this time, Kirsten gets up, wondering what the hell we're doing. We manage to corral the dogs and then Mike's wondering just how the hell you get rid of four mice? It's clear they were on some sort of clandestine Splinter Cell type operation, but then The Butters--the Team America of this scenario--swooped in to foil their plan.
Now, I don't know if you know this, but mice are and not terrible coaxed with promises of non-Gitmo like treatment if they just skidaddle. So, out comes the only WMD (weapon of mice destruction) you really have in a situation like this--the broom of sweeping! (+1 to agility, +1 to keeping potentially disease-bearing monsters at bay). The fridge grate is banged. One guy shoots out the side, up the step stool and on to the kitchen counter.
ME: Hey, look, there's one.

(Kirsten jumps into my arms.)
Seriously, I thought that only happened in old movies, but apparently it happens in real life too. Go figure.
I helped at this stage by being the goaly and shooing them (with much manly forcefulness I might add) toward the exit. Anyway, all four were eventually run out of Dodge (two out the back door, two out the opening behind the dryer where they probably came in.)
The Butters was let back in to ensure all rodents were vacated--they were--and there was much rejoicing. Then we had another beer.

The blanket I'm making I actually got out of Stitch and Bitch: Happy Hooker, but I modified it to make it bigger. It took me like an hour to do so