However,there was a camera.
Alas,such jappery has now ceased in the Sourthern half of the U.K. Off I flew, like some bedraggled Starling to Manchester. Which was also hit hard in the face by a Surl shaped phantom-drinking-menace. Evidence in spoiler.
Phew,that was a spoiler heavy thingy-bob there. Although it doesn't end there. Oh no.
Either I dyed my hair red,or my flatmate murdered me in the shower,and has a strange idea that photographing this is fun. Necrotography I shall call it.
I have arrived back to my sexy sexy room in Lancaster.
And I start my job in the local biker-bar tomorrow. oooooh. I'm a tad nervous actually. Oh well,stiff upper lip.
right. just this left then,been obsessed with it lately. Ta'ra.