By jingo, the electric internetz a funny old place. It tickles my funny parts.
I got better! The doctor stuffed me full of medicines.
I am pretty.
Spent alot of today browsing the groups on this site. I've applied to alot, including an SGUK one. So maybe I'll be meeting some uk members and stuffs. Supercool.
Right,well. I should be getting ready for le Camden. But I also should really be finishing this salmon thingy. And painting my nails. And watching Friends now that its on the telllybox....
I think I may be late.
I may also be wearing these
If I see any nuns I'll be sure to take pictures
I got better! The doctor stuffed me full of medicines.

I am pretty.

Spent alot of today browsing the groups on this site. I've applied to alot, including an SGUK one. So maybe I'll be meeting some uk members and stuffs. Supercool.
Right,well. I should be getting ready for le Camden. But I also should really be finishing this salmon thingy. And painting my nails. And watching Friends now that its on the telllybox....
I think I may be late.
I may also be wearing these

If I see any nuns I'll be sure to take pictures

lol, i like your personality as your so funny, yeas and so pretty, lol, well I hope you had fun in Camdena nd purchased much goodies
hmmm, love your shoes