so. updates. i am going to see The Faint tomorrow night. this excites me. i fully expect to be bruised. i hear that their shows get a little...rambunctious.
in other news, i've started making preparations for a possible life without constant employment. i haven't made up my mind yet if i'm going to quit and cash out, but i figure that it wouldn't hurt to get things started. so i'm scheduling an appointment for a full physical, to see if there's anything wrong with me that medical insurance will fix. i'm going to the dentist because it's been too long. i'm going to the doctor to get a full blood work-up and a few prescriptions. i'm also getting my car fixed as soon as possible in case i need to sell it.
i don't feel like this is some sort of midlife crisis or anything (which would suck, because that means i'll die at 62) - rather, it feels like a steady progression, a march toward whatever the hell my future might be. i'm tired of holding patterns and waiting and hoping. maybe it's time for me to give up what i have and find what i need.
p.s.: there are parrots in my backyard:

tonight's agenda: work late, then alcohol, pot, a club, video games, 100+ mph desert driving, adrenaline, and lots of very, very loud music.
tomorrow morning: hangover, wishing i could die, wondering where the hell my pants are
hope you're all well...
in other news, i've started making preparations for a possible life without constant employment. i haven't made up my mind yet if i'm going to quit and cash out, but i figure that it wouldn't hurt to get things started. so i'm scheduling an appointment for a full physical, to see if there's anything wrong with me that medical insurance will fix. i'm going to the dentist because it's been too long. i'm going to the doctor to get a full blood work-up and a few prescriptions. i'm also getting my car fixed as soon as possible in case i need to sell it.
i don't feel like this is some sort of midlife crisis or anything (which would suck, because that means i'll die at 62) - rather, it feels like a steady progression, a march toward whatever the hell my future might be. i'm tired of holding patterns and waiting and hoping. maybe it's time for me to give up what i have and find what i need.
p.s.: there are parrots in my backyard:

tonight's agenda: work late, then alcohol, pot, a club, video games, 100+ mph desert driving, adrenaline, and lots of very, very loud music.
tomorrow morning: hangover, wishing i could die, wondering where the hell my pants are
hope you're all well...
i like the way you think as well. Well, i'm not crazy about bot, or pot. Hooray for hitting the wrong keys. I think it's rad that you're venturing out like that. Sometimes, when i'm home alone and i pee, i don't flush, because i know with the amount of water i drink it won't be too long before i have to go again. I try to save water by doing this.
california? parrots? BRIGHTASSSUNLIGHT.