Well guess what? I have an offer on my apartment, so if my prospective buyers get their mortgage (which shouldn't be a problem) and they pass their board interview (crosses fingers, and toes) I should be outta here by July sometime, 'cause they want in ASAP, and I want out ASAP! Everyone cross those fingers, and toes, and wish me luck so I can get to California, and get on with my life! It is getting tough already 'cause my parents, sister, neice, and nephew are starting to get sad, and saying "you're really gonna be leaving SOON" and I am also starting to get all sad 'cause I am going to miss them all SOOOOOOO much that it is starting to hurt
but I want, and need to do it! My family knows this is what I WANT and NEED to do, and are happy for me, but we are all SOOOOOO close that it is difficult, but I have this "force" or "feeling" that is pulling me to California. I know I am whinning, but I LOOOOOVE my family more than anything in this world, but I am super exicited to make this move! So to all my SG friends in SoCal, I look forward to meeting ya'all when I get there! And if anyone of you sexy SoCal SG's want to learn how to surf, or go for a ride on my Harley when I get Santa Monica let me know. Hope everyone is doing awesome, and I want to thank all of you who sent me B-Day wishes! Hugs and Kisses to you all!

happy belated bday, and i hope everything turns out with the selling of the apartment! summertime, and things are goin okay...