Well I finally made it to SoCal! I moved here about a month ago, and I am loving every minute! I am living with two friends from back home, and we a currently looking for a house here in Santa Monica. Three dudes in a one bedroom apartment is really driving us crazy! One dude in the bedroom, one on the floor, and me on...
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Can you say winter on the way! It is getting quite cold here on Long Island, and I have pretty much lost my tan. Boo Hoo. Just gonna have to hit the tanning bed to keep some summer color, and my sanity! Well I finally purchased a vehicle, a Jeep Cherokee, and I am siked! Did a bit of motor work, and put on a...
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Well haven't us Long Island surfers been lucky these past couple days! FUN FUN FUN waves, thank you Florence! Had a sweet moring and evening session with my buds yesterday, than a sick morning and afternoon session again today, and looking like another good day of waves tomorrow! Done working at the beach, so now it's time to find a sweet used Jeep Wrangler to...
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Hello everyone! Long time no post for me! I have been SOOOOOOOOO busy this summer working at the beach, surfing, hanging with family and friends, and just partying my ass off! Well my apartment is FINALLY sold! YES! I am now living like a nomad, staying with my family, and friends sleeping on couches, and even on the beach! I have about 3 more weeks...
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It's been a while, but I haven't been spending too much time at my apartment. I ahve been spending most of my time on the south shore closer to the beach/work. Have made a couple trips to Fire Island this summer which was awesome! (goggle Fire Island New York) We had Beryl on the 20th of July, so we had SICK waves, some getting to...
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SWEET day at the beach! Cloudy on the mainland, and sunny by the shore at the beach! NO PATRONS, and 2 and a half hours of fun waist to chest high waves! Supposed to be the same tomorrow, but bigger waves! Life is GOOD!

There is nothing quite so perfect as an empty beach...
Well just another BEAUTIFUL day at the beach, and we had waves! YES! Little ones, but waves none the less. Got about an hour and a half session in while getting paid! Who's better than me? HA Had a crazy rescue Mon. The ocean was wicked rough, really pulling, and sweeping to the east, and a couple drunk dudes went in the water, and within...
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im jealous you get to spend every day at the beach
Holy shitit was HOT today! The beach was PACKED! We had tons of people there today, man summer is in full swing! I am working on my sunburn, cause it takes me about a week or so to go from red to honey brown. That damn Irish blood loves to burn, but my German side likes to tan, eventully. Well I hope everyone else's summer...
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it soo hot here too!!
my summer seems well until now juhuuU! good to hear that u are well too! lots of love

Sunny, and waves today! I was a happy boy!
Just slide

Is it EVER gonna get sunny
I want the warm sun on my body, and a warmer ocean!

I can give you a cheap solution and answer for that: "you can do it in your dreams *0*"
Take care, rain is wudddd
Take care, rain is wudddd