A whoooole lotta questions follow... boredom = stupid memes.
1] What made you happy this weekend?
Drinking wine, smoking pot, playing guitar hero, practicing driving, two-bite brownies with cream cheese icing.
2] Whose car were you last in?
My boyfriend's brother's.
3] When was the last time you cried?
This morning.
4] What color shirt are you wearing?
Black & Green
5] How long is your hair?
Just below my shoulders (and taking it's sweet ass time to grow)
6] How long have you been friends with your best friend?
7 years.
7] Who's on your mind right now?
Myself. hah.
8] Last movie you watched.
Um.. I saw bits of transformers over the weekend...
9] Last thing you ate?
Caribbean spicy chicken noodles.
10] Last thing you drank?
er.. the broth?
11] Where did you sleep last night?
In my bed.
12] Do you want a new tattoo/piercing?
Yesss... a few tattoo plans, all of which are too expensive. Planning also to get a monroe sometime this month.
13] Are you happy right now?
Noooo >
14] What did you say last?
"thank you"
15] Where is your phone?
In my purse
17] What color are your eyes?
18] What shoes are you wearing?
I'm not wearing shoes.
19] Who came over last?
most likely a guest of the roommates...
20] Name the last 5 things you have bought in the past days?
chicken wings, romano cheese, microwave mac & cheese, really crappy apple juice, an equally crappy ham sandwich.
21] Who/what do you hate/dislike currently?
I hate hate. And hostility. And arguments. And.. uh.. anger.. and all the other badness that's going down lately.
22] What are you listening to?
A barking dog, my creaking chair, and some neighbour noises.
24] What's your favorite scent?
25] Who makes you the happiest right now?
my kitty.
26] Does someone want to kill you?
hah! I don't even want to think about that!
27] What piercings do you have?
2 in my lip, one 4g in each ear, my nose, my belly button.
28] What were you doing at midnight last night?
tossing & turning.
29] What was the first thing you thought when you woke up?
"so hungry" and "so sad" and I was glad I don't actually have as many bunnies as I did in my dream (I've been dreaming about bunnies alot lately. Weird.)
30] Are you left-handed?
31] Spell your name without vowels:
Well.. there's srfr_rs... Or there's nglna. Hah.
32] Whats your favorite color?
33] What color(s) do you wear most often?
blue (as in jeans), black
34] Whats for dinner tonight?
Chicken-stuffed jumbo pasta shells with chive cream sauce, and a sallllllad.
35] What is the last alcoholic beverage you drank?
36] When Is Your Birthday?
Next thursday.
37] Who was the last person to send you a text message?
38] Last time you went swimming in a pool?
Last weekend.
39] Where was the last place you went shopping?
Zellers! for a bulliten board.
40] How do you feel about your hair?
I wish it would grow more, and I wish it weren't so damaged.
41] How's the weather?
Pretty damn nice for november!
43] Have you ever been verbally or physically abused?
yeah, but they'll get theirs!
44] Have you ever felt not good enough?
all the time
45] Is there something important you need to tell someone?
Get over it!!!
46] Will you ever tell them?
Maybe in nicer words?
48] What languages do you wish you could speak?
Russian for starters. Then I could tell what people at work were saying to each other. Other than that, really all of them would be nice.
49] Do you hate when people doubt you?
No, I love it. I thrive on it. Bring it on, bitches! (ahem..)
50] Do you have big plans and goals for your life?
Who doesn't?
51] Who are you currently texting?
Gawd, I'm not *that* pathetic.
52] Who was the last person you kissed?
my boyfriend.
53] Are you dating them?
Am I dating my boyfriend? Not really! lol
54] When was the last time you were truly happy with your life?
When I was 17.
56] If you're single, why?
uh.. n/a
57] What did you do at your lowest point in life? How did/will you overcome it?
I killed myself. And I've yet to overcome it.
58] What were the last two TV shows you watched?
um.. probably simpsons & family guy, or something along those lines.
59] Who's a celebrity you find extremely attractive?
your mom.
60] When was the last time you saw your number 1?
I'm with her right now.. hehehe.
61] Last kind of cereal that you ate?
strawberry mini wheats
62] Have you ever cried and didn't know why?
yeah, it's called PMS.
63] What are you wearing on your feet?
black and blue striped thigh-high socks.
64] Who was the last person you slept in a bed with?
...my boyfriend.
65] What year was your worst school picture taken?
4th grade. or 7th grade.
66] Do you have any plans for tomorrow?
going to work.
67] Do you like your name?
Well, I picked it ;p
68] What was the last thing you drew on?
the business directory at work.
69] Do you feel lonely at times?
70] Who was the last person to make you happy?
71] Do you have feelings for anyone, and if so, do they know?
Yes and yes.
72] Things you first notice about the opposite sex:
how tall they are, how big they are, then eyes, lips, hair.
73] What usually causes your fights with your friends?
I don't fight with friends.
74] Have you ever dated someone so ugly that everyone kept making fun of them?
not that I know of..? lol
75] Do you like being in pictures?
I like it if they turn out. Usually I look drunk or half retarded in photos though.
76] Who was the last person you've seen throw up in person?
I can't recall.
77] Have you ever been more attracted to a significant other's sibling than them?
NO. dammit.
78] What is the last fun thing you did?
does sleeping count?
79] Do you tend to fall for people easily?
80] Have you spent more time in your life single, or in a relationship?
Well duh, I've spent more than half of my life single. It was called childhood.
81] Is your bed room window open?
82] Do you have any tattoos, if so which hurt the most?
Yes. And I guess the ONE that I have probably hurt the most..?
83] Where is your heart?
Well I'll tell you where it's NOT -- safteypinned to my backpack. wtf??
84] Who was the last person you shared a blanket with?
I'm gonna stop answering these questions. Obviously the last blanket I shared was on my BED with the person I shared a bed with, who is my boyfriend. This is just getting way too repetitive.
85] Do you know anyone with a lisp?
Not personally.
86] Who was the last person to call, what did they call for, and how long did it take?
My mom called me on Sunday with a sinking feeling that something was wrong. It only really took about 10 minutes, after I reassured her.
87] What does the oldest text message in your inbox say, from who?
It's from my boyfriend, and it's his credit card number. It's not deleted because the actual card is destroyed, and the # is all we have left.
88] Would you rather be cheated with, or on?
Obviously with. But having been there/done that, I'd really rather NOT have to do it again.
89] How many drugs have you done in the last 7 days?
About 4. Most of which are legal.
90] Who was the last person to make fun of you?
my boyfriend.
91] What was the last movie you watched?
I think we've been through this already.
92] Do you like talking on the phone?
I loathe it.
1. Is your favorite fruit apples?: Nope.
2. Have you ever liked a guy named Alex?: Liked as in just as friends, yes.
3. Are you in a good mood right now?: No.
1. Are you scared of bugs?: Some of them. Mainly giant ones, ants, and really superquick ones.
2. Have you ever ridden the bus?: Only everyday of my life.
3. Do you have a boyfriend?: Yep.
1. What's your favorite kind of cookie?: chocolate chip
2. What are you going to do for Christmas?: it's all up in the air right now...
3. Can you do the splits?: Nope.
1. Have you done any kind of drugs before?: Yes.
2. Can you draw?: Not well.
3. Do you have any family traditions?: None that remain. But some in the making.
1. Have you ever eaten anything disgusting?: Of course. How else would I know what was gross and what wasn't?
2. What color are your eyes?: Blue.
3. Are you emo?: ..no..
1. Do you believe in fate?: to an extent.
2. Who's your best friend?: Shannon, though she's far away.
3. Have you had pet fish?: I had dozens, as a kid..
1. Do you chew gum or eat mints?: I'm typically allergic to gum, so I mostly stick to mints.
2. Do you wear glasses?: On a very rare occassion.
3. Are any of your friends gay?: yup.
1. Have you been called hot before?: It happens.
2. Are you usually happy?: Nope.
3. Do you like hippies?: Sure.
1. Is your room painted a color besides white?: It's lime green and baby blue.
2. Do you like Incubus?: over it.
3. What was your last injury?: I burned my ear. Now it's scabby and gross. I'm not happy about it.
1. Have you ever been to jail?: Nope.
2. Does your name start with a J?: No.
3. Is your favorite month June or July?: Nope.
1. Do you wear kandi?: wtf? I'm guessing no.
2. Who was the last person you kissed?: my boyfriend.
3. Have you ever been to Kansas?: I don't think so...
1. Do you own a lava lamp?: Not anymore.
2. Are you in love?: Yep.
3. What do you do at lunch?: Eat, read, use the phone.
1. Have you heard of Muse?: Yes.
2. How much money do you have right now?: Under $20
3. Do you ever want to get married?: uh huh.
1. What's your name?: Angelina
2. What's something you'll never do?: get a sex change. lol.
3. Is it currently night time?: Nope.
1. How old are you?: 22
2. Do you have OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)?: maybe?.. I try not to define these things.
3. Do you like the color orange?: love it.
1. What would you do if you found out you were pregnant?: Try to move in with my mom. lol
2. Do you throw away pennies?: I threw one out yesterday. I deemed it unlucky. It came in the mail.
3. Do you like pineapples on pizza?: Worst. Pizza topping. ever.
1. Are you a quiet person?: Mostly
2. Have you ever quit a job?: Yes.
3. Have you heard of the show Quincy?: ..yeah.
1. Do you like rock and roll?: uh huh
2. Are you currently reading a book?: Nope, I need a new one.
3. Do you like running?: Not particularly.
1. Are you open about your sex life?: pshhhhhhhhh.
2. Have you snorted anything?: yep
3. What's your favorite season?: autumn
1. Do you talk a lot?: when I'm intoxicated I do.
2. Are you on a team?: Team Ang.
3. How tall are you?: 5'7".
1. Are you wearing underwear?: uh huh. Commando's not so do-able with jeans.
2. Have you ever been stuck in the rain with no umbrella?: Often.
3. Are you an indecisive person: sometimes.
1. Do you celebrate Valentines Day?: Usually.
2. Do you like violent movies?: Oh yes.
3. Do either of your parents drive a van?: nope..
1. Where do you live?: toronto
2. Do you work?: kinda
3. Have you tasted wine?: very frequently.
1. Have you taken Xanax?: eff that shit.
2. What's your ex like?: nice.
3. How often do you go on Xanga?: Never.
1. What are you looking forward to?: my life.
2. "...And they were all yellow". Do you know what song that's from?: uh.. "Yellow"?
3. What did you do yesterday?: Worked, smoked, tried to sleep. Eventful day. Pfft.
1. Are zebras your favorite animal?: No. BUT, I think I also dreamt of zebras last night.
2. Didn't you assume zebras would be in this section?: I should have.
3. Have you ever gotten skin caught in a zipper?: Yep.
1] What made you happy this weekend?
Drinking wine, smoking pot, playing guitar hero, practicing driving, two-bite brownies with cream cheese icing.
2] Whose car were you last in?
My boyfriend's brother's.
3] When was the last time you cried?
This morning.
4] What color shirt are you wearing?
Black & Green
5] How long is your hair?
Just below my shoulders (and taking it's sweet ass time to grow)
6] How long have you been friends with your best friend?
7 years.
7] Who's on your mind right now?
Myself. hah.
8] Last movie you watched.
Um.. I saw bits of transformers over the weekend...
9] Last thing you ate?
Caribbean spicy chicken noodles.
10] Last thing you drank?
er.. the broth?
11] Where did you sleep last night?
In my bed.
12] Do you want a new tattoo/piercing?
Yesss... a few tattoo plans, all of which are too expensive. Planning also to get a monroe sometime this month.
13] Are you happy right now?
Noooo >
14] What did you say last?
"thank you"
15] Where is your phone?
In my purse
17] What color are your eyes?
18] What shoes are you wearing?
I'm not wearing shoes.
19] Who came over last?
most likely a guest of the roommates...
20] Name the last 5 things you have bought in the past days?
chicken wings, romano cheese, microwave mac & cheese, really crappy apple juice, an equally crappy ham sandwich.
21] Who/what do you hate/dislike currently?
I hate hate. And hostility. And arguments. And.. uh.. anger.. and all the other badness that's going down lately.
22] What are you listening to?
A barking dog, my creaking chair, and some neighbour noises.
24] What's your favorite scent?
25] Who makes you the happiest right now?
my kitty.
26] Does someone want to kill you?
hah! I don't even want to think about that!
27] What piercings do you have?
2 in my lip, one 4g in each ear, my nose, my belly button.
28] What were you doing at midnight last night?
tossing & turning.
29] What was the first thing you thought when you woke up?
"so hungry" and "so sad" and I was glad I don't actually have as many bunnies as I did in my dream (I've been dreaming about bunnies alot lately. Weird.)
30] Are you left-handed?
31] Spell your name without vowels:
Well.. there's srfr_rs... Or there's nglna. Hah.
32] Whats your favorite color?
33] What color(s) do you wear most often?
blue (as in jeans), black
34] Whats for dinner tonight?
Chicken-stuffed jumbo pasta shells with chive cream sauce, and a sallllllad.
35] What is the last alcoholic beverage you drank?
36] When Is Your Birthday?
Next thursday.
37] Who was the last person to send you a text message?
38] Last time you went swimming in a pool?
Last weekend.
39] Where was the last place you went shopping?
Zellers! for a bulliten board.
40] How do you feel about your hair?
I wish it would grow more, and I wish it weren't so damaged.
41] How's the weather?
Pretty damn nice for november!
43] Have you ever been verbally or physically abused?
yeah, but they'll get theirs!
44] Have you ever felt not good enough?
all the time
45] Is there something important you need to tell someone?
Get over it!!!
46] Will you ever tell them?
Maybe in nicer words?
48] What languages do you wish you could speak?
Russian for starters. Then I could tell what people at work were saying to each other. Other than that, really all of them would be nice.
49] Do you hate when people doubt you?
No, I love it. I thrive on it. Bring it on, bitches! (ahem..)
50] Do you have big plans and goals for your life?
Who doesn't?
51] Who are you currently texting?
Gawd, I'm not *that* pathetic.
52] Who was the last person you kissed?
my boyfriend.
53] Are you dating them?
Am I dating my boyfriend? Not really! lol
54] When was the last time you were truly happy with your life?
When I was 17.
56] If you're single, why?
uh.. n/a
57] What did you do at your lowest point in life? How did/will you overcome it?
I killed myself. And I've yet to overcome it.
58] What were the last two TV shows you watched?
um.. probably simpsons & family guy, or something along those lines.
59] Who's a celebrity you find extremely attractive?
your mom.
60] When was the last time you saw your number 1?
I'm with her right now.. hehehe.
61] Last kind of cereal that you ate?
strawberry mini wheats
62] Have you ever cried and didn't know why?
yeah, it's called PMS.
63] What are you wearing on your feet?
black and blue striped thigh-high socks.
64] Who was the last person you slept in a bed with?
...my boyfriend.
65] What year was your worst school picture taken?
4th grade. or 7th grade.
66] Do you have any plans for tomorrow?
going to work.
67] Do you like your name?
Well, I picked it ;p
68] What was the last thing you drew on?
the business directory at work.
69] Do you feel lonely at times?
70] Who was the last person to make you happy?
71] Do you have feelings for anyone, and if so, do they know?
Yes and yes.
72] Things you first notice about the opposite sex:
how tall they are, how big they are, then eyes, lips, hair.
73] What usually causes your fights with your friends?
I don't fight with friends.
74] Have you ever dated someone so ugly that everyone kept making fun of them?
not that I know of..? lol
75] Do you like being in pictures?
I like it if they turn out. Usually I look drunk or half retarded in photos though.
76] Who was the last person you've seen throw up in person?
I can't recall.
77] Have you ever been more attracted to a significant other's sibling than them?
NO. dammit.
78] What is the last fun thing you did?
does sleeping count?
79] Do you tend to fall for people easily?
80] Have you spent more time in your life single, or in a relationship?
Well duh, I've spent more than half of my life single. It was called childhood.
81] Is your bed room window open?
82] Do you have any tattoos, if so which hurt the most?
Yes. And I guess the ONE that I have probably hurt the most..?
83] Where is your heart?
Well I'll tell you where it's NOT -- safteypinned to my backpack. wtf??
84] Who was the last person you shared a blanket with?
I'm gonna stop answering these questions. Obviously the last blanket I shared was on my BED with the person I shared a bed with, who is my boyfriend. This is just getting way too repetitive.
85] Do you know anyone with a lisp?
Not personally.
86] Who was the last person to call, what did they call for, and how long did it take?
My mom called me on Sunday with a sinking feeling that something was wrong. It only really took about 10 minutes, after I reassured her.
87] What does the oldest text message in your inbox say, from who?
It's from my boyfriend, and it's his credit card number. It's not deleted because the actual card is destroyed, and the # is all we have left.
88] Would you rather be cheated with, or on?
Obviously with. But having been there/done that, I'd really rather NOT have to do it again.
89] How many drugs have you done in the last 7 days?
About 4. Most of which are legal.
90] Who was the last person to make fun of you?
my boyfriend.
91] What was the last movie you watched?
I think we've been through this already.
92] Do you like talking on the phone?
I loathe it.
1. Is your favorite fruit apples?: Nope.
2. Have you ever liked a guy named Alex?: Liked as in just as friends, yes.
3. Are you in a good mood right now?: No.
1. Are you scared of bugs?: Some of them. Mainly giant ones, ants, and really superquick ones.
2. Have you ever ridden the bus?: Only everyday of my life.
3. Do you have a boyfriend?: Yep.
1. What's your favorite kind of cookie?: chocolate chip
2. What are you going to do for Christmas?: it's all up in the air right now...
3. Can you do the splits?: Nope.
1. Have you done any kind of drugs before?: Yes.
2. Can you draw?: Not well.
3. Do you have any family traditions?: None that remain. But some in the making.
1. Have you ever eaten anything disgusting?: Of course. How else would I know what was gross and what wasn't?
2. What color are your eyes?: Blue.
3. Are you emo?: ..no..
1. Do you believe in fate?: to an extent.
2. Who's your best friend?: Shannon, though she's far away.
3. Have you had pet fish?: I had dozens, as a kid..
1. Do you chew gum or eat mints?: I'm typically allergic to gum, so I mostly stick to mints.
2. Do you wear glasses?: On a very rare occassion.
3. Are any of your friends gay?: yup.
1. Have you been called hot before?: It happens.
2. Are you usually happy?: Nope.
3. Do you like hippies?: Sure.
1. Is your room painted a color besides white?: It's lime green and baby blue.
2. Do you like Incubus?: over it.
3. What was your last injury?: I burned my ear. Now it's scabby and gross. I'm not happy about it.
1. Have you ever been to jail?: Nope.
2. Does your name start with a J?: No.
3. Is your favorite month June or July?: Nope.
1. Do you wear kandi?: wtf? I'm guessing no.
2. Who was the last person you kissed?: my boyfriend.
3. Have you ever been to Kansas?: I don't think so...
1. Do you own a lava lamp?: Not anymore.
2. Are you in love?: Yep.
3. What do you do at lunch?: Eat, read, use the phone.
1. Have you heard of Muse?: Yes.
2. How much money do you have right now?: Under $20
3. Do you ever want to get married?: uh huh.
1. What's your name?: Angelina
2. What's something you'll never do?: get a sex change. lol.
3. Is it currently night time?: Nope.
1. How old are you?: 22
2. Do you have OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)?: maybe?.. I try not to define these things.
3. Do you like the color orange?: love it.
1. What would you do if you found out you were pregnant?: Try to move in with my mom. lol
2. Do you throw away pennies?: I threw one out yesterday. I deemed it unlucky. It came in the mail.
3. Do you like pineapples on pizza?: Worst. Pizza topping. ever.
1. Are you a quiet person?: Mostly
2. Have you ever quit a job?: Yes.
3. Have you heard of the show Quincy?: ..yeah.
1. Do you like rock and roll?: uh huh
2. Are you currently reading a book?: Nope, I need a new one.
3. Do you like running?: Not particularly.
1. Are you open about your sex life?: pshhhhhhhhh.
2. Have you snorted anything?: yep
3. What's your favorite season?: autumn
1. Do you talk a lot?: when I'm intoxicated I do.
2. Are you on a team?: Team Ang.
3. How tall are you?: 5'7".
1. Are you wearing underwear?: uh huh. Commando's not so do-able with jeans.
2. Have you ever been stuck in the rain with no umbrella?: Often.
3. Are you an indecisive person: sometimes.
1. Do you celebrate Valentines Day?: Usually.
2. Do you like violent movies?: Oh yes.
3. Do either of your parents drive a van?: nope..
1. Where do you live?: toronto
2. Do you work?: kinda
3. Have you tasted wine?: very frequently.
1. Have you taken Xanax?: eff that shit.
2. What's your ex like?: nice.
3. How often do you go on Xanga?: Never.
1. What are you looking forward to?: my life.
2. "...And they were all yellow". Do you know what song that's from?: uh.. "Yellow"?
3. What did you do yesterday?: Worked, smoked, tried to sleep. Eventful day. Pfft.
1. Are zebras your favorite animal?: No. BUT, I think I also dreamt of zebras last night.
2. Didn't you assume zebras would be in this section?: I should have.
3. Have you ever gotten skin caught in a zipper?: Yep.