Alright floks!!!! I am in rare form today........
Who should I piss off today?
1. My Grandma: Should I call her up and tell her I am converting to Juadism (she is a Southern Baptist and becoming a Catholic would piss her off just the same...)
2.Should I go on the current events board and start spewing right wing propaganda....(I think the long term effects of that would not be good)
3.Should I call my Dad and tell him that I smoke ungodly amounts of weed?
4.Or should I go and drain my bank account and go shopping...(that would piss the people I have written checks to off...but it would make me a happy camper...
It was so shitty when I woke up this explains the mood.But the sun is peeking out and I think I am gonna try and hit the beach for a bit..there is a cold front movin in and tomorrow it is gonna be 66 BURRRRR.....Ok that is bout it for me....later
PS. #3 is null and void...I am not tellin my dad shit...
and I do realize I spelled floks instead of folks....I'm lame...

Who should I piss off today?
1. My Grandma: Should I call her up and tell her I am converting to Juadism (she is a Southern Baptist and becoming a Catholic would piss her off just the same...)
2.Should I go on the current events board and start spewing right wing propaganda....(I think the long term effects of that would not be good)

3.Should I call my Dad and tell him that I smoke ungodly amounts of weed?
4.Or should I go and drain my bank account and go shopping...(that would piss the people I have written checks to off...but it would make me a happy camper...

It was so shitty when I woke up this explains the mood.But the sun is peeking out and I think I am gonna try and hit the beach for a bit..there is a cold front movin in and tomorrow it is gonna be 66 BURRRRR.....Ok that is bout it for me....later

PS. #3 is null and void...I am not tellin my dad shit...

and I do realize I spelled floks instead of folks....I'm lame...

Piss anyone off yesterday