tonight i am going to see sigur ros, and i can hardly wait. it will be my third time seeing them. their first two shows were amazing, and i'm sure this one will be too as i think their new album Takk is the best yet.
if you haven't seen their new video, i suggest you do.
on a completely different note, i need to rant about how unbelievably annoyed i am with a lot of the people around here lately. i'll do it here because the boards are already a fucking mess as it is, and calling these people out in public only seems to fuel their retardedness. this isn't really about the sg exodus drama, though that's pretty shameful too. i'm just tired of the bitter snarkiness of so many people in the boards and groups. why is it that people are such fucking assholes on here? it's seriously sad. so many people seem to troll around all fucking day with such a terrible attitude. and it's the same thing over and over, in every thread. it's an actual personality that has developed, and if that person ever existed in the real world, they would be absolutely hated. it seems so unhealthy to me. i don't want to see it anymore. if i can't find a way to not let it bother me, i might have to go.
ps - i don't mean EVERYONE, there are a few people around here i really like, which makes this decision very difficult. if you're reading this, you're probably one of them.
i wanna hear about the show!!
<--- yeah! tell us.