my dear sister arete (yeah, we just found out too) has pressured me into updating...and, well...i can't say no to her. i must say that ever since this site took home the covetted "slowest on the internet" award, i've been less inclined to visit, much less update. actually, it took me a few minutes to figure out how its even done.
so as always, i will share some incredibly tantalizing tidbits that offer no real insight into my real life. i know all the kids are blogging 'till they bleed, but dammit, if you really wanted to know why i cry myself to sleep at night with the shotgun in my mouth you'd know. that was a joke, by the way, i usually stick it back under the mattress before i fall asleep.
let's see...
oh! i've seen some really great concerts lately. first was the national. that was great, mostly because i wasn't expecting it to be as uptempo and loud as it was. most of the songs were played differently than they were on the album, which sometimes works, and sometimes doesn't, but in this case it was perfect. last week i finally saw sufjan stevens. unfortunately i was too far away (it was a seated show, in an old church) to really pick up on the energy they were throwing down, but it was still very lovely.
the night of the show i had this strange dream that was sort of the missing link for some much needed artistic inspiration. i haven't really done much in the way of painting since i was in school, but i actually saw my work in my dream...there were bits of things that i've been collecting for years, but i haven't really been able to visualize how to make it all come together. thanks dream!
special thanks to whomever took this picture
hmm...what else has happened to me since may...
i sold my condo and bought a BMW. well, i didn't sell my condo TO buy the BMW. in fact i bought the BMW a few months before i had any intention of selling my condo. and the BMW is a beat up 1982 edition - but i love it so. but yeah, i did sell my condo, after buying it just a year ago. the housing market in vancouver has gone completely mad, and apparently you can do things like this right now and make some money.
well i figure that's about enough for the next 6 months or so. the only other excitement really is that i sent in my application to be a suicidegirl yesterday. wish me luck!
so as always, i will share some incredibly tantalizing tidbits that offer no real insight into my real life. i know all the kids are blogging 'till they bleed, but dammit, if you really wanted to know why i cry myself to sleep at night with the shotgun in my mouth you'd know. that was a joke, by the way, i usually stick it back under the mattress before i fall asleep.
let's see...
oh! i've seen some really great concerts lately. first was the national. that was great, mostly because i wasn't expecting it to be as uptempo and loud as it was. most of the songs were played differently than they were on the album, which sometimes works, and sometimes doesn't, but in this case it was perfect. last week i finally saw sufjan stevens. unfortunately i was too far away (it was a seated show, in an old church) to really pick up on the energy they were throwing down, but it was still very lovely.
the night of the show i had this strange dream that was sort of the missing link for some much needed artistic inspiration. i haven't really done much in the way of painting since i was in school, but i actually saw my work in my dream...there were bits of things that i've been collecting for years, but i haven't really been able to visualize how to make it all come together. thanks dream!

special thanks to whomever took this picture
hmm...what else has happened to me since may...
i sold my condo and bought a BMW. well, i didn't sell my condo TO buy the BMW. in fact i bought the BMW a few months before i had any intention of selling my condo. and the BMW is a beat up 1982 edition - but i love it so. but yeah, i did sell my condo, after buying it just a year ago. the housing market in vancouver has gone completely mad, and apparently you can do things like this right now and make some money.
well i figure that's about enough for the next 6 months or so. the only other excitement really is that i sent in my application to be a suicidegirl yesterday. wish me luck!
Hope to see you there!!!