So who has found the Easter eggs on the DVD? If you are a fan club card holder you can find hints in the password protected blogs on MY SITE. Just enter the number on the back of the card and BAM you are in! You will also find other goodies like an exclusive interview with RYDELL!
Fans are sending in pictures of their DVD's and some are luck enough to have my limited edition Cold Hard Cash DVD that I released years ago. Sorry guys it's no longer in print!

Check out my GRINDHOUSE DVD where you can see my acclaimed shorts and some of my photos come to life!
Hoodie Pre-Sales Are Online!!!
You guys have been up my butt so I'm giving you the chance to order the hoodies now. We are doing a VERY small batch of these so don't wait to order.
Summer is on its way out, the fall is here. Keep yourself warm with a one of a kind hoodies with original illustration work done by Yasmine!
Those of you who bought the Cold Hard Cash hoodies know how much we care about quality, and printing on clothing that is comfortable to wear. We also listened to your feedback and this time around we are offering two choices with two different styles!

Army Colored Independent Trading Company Shotgun Hoodie $55.00 (plus shipping)
This time around we searched for a heavy duty hoodie that guys can feel comfortable in. We fell in love with the ITC brands rugged zipper and large hood. Front and back 2 color printing, featuring artwork from Yasmine, and a full badass sketch of Bailey from Cold Hard Cash!

Pepper Gray American Apparel Car chase hoodie $55.00 (plus shipping)
Printed in two colors, front and back with artwork by Yasmine! Perfect for ladies size (or for you slim skinny jeaned hipsters) Light weight, zipup, flexfleese, unisex size (smaller ladies might want to order a size smaller than normal).
$5 off for pre-ordered the DVD customers.
Because you pre-ordered the DVD you are eligible for $5 off the purchase of a hoodie. You showed us some love, so we want to give it back. For a limited time only! To get this deal drop me a note and I'll send you the special order link.
DVD + Hoodie for $65.00! Thats $10 savings!
The perfect fan package, a copy of the Grindhouse Shorts DVD and a hoodie!
Fans are sending in pictures of their DVD's and some are luck enough to have my limited edition Cold Hard Cash DVD that I released years ago. Sorry guys it's no longer in print!

Check out my GRINDHOUSE DVD where you can see my acclaimed shorts and some of my photos come to life!
Hoodie Pre-Sales Are Online!!!
You guys have been up my butt so I'm giving you the chance to order the hoodies now. We are doing a VERY small batch of these so don't wait to order.
Summer is on its way out, the fall is here. Keep yourself warm with a one of a kind hoodies with original illustration work done by Yasmine!
Those of you who bought the Cold Hard Cash hoodies know how much we care about quality, and printing on clothing that is comfortable to wear. We also listened to your feedback and this time around we are offering two choices with two different styles!

Army Colored Independent Trading Company Shotgun Hoodie $55.00 (plus shipping)
This time around we searched for a heavy duty hoodie that guys can feel comfortable in. We fell in love with the ITC brands rugged zipper and large hood. Front and back 2 color printing, featuring artwork from Yasmine, and a full badass sketch of Bailey from Cold Hard Cash!

Pepper Gray American Apparel Car chase hoodie $55.00 (plus shipping)
Printed in two colors, front and back with artwork by Yasmine! Perfect for ladies size (or for you slim skinny jeaned hipsters) Light weight, zipup, flexfleese, unisex size (smaller ladies might want to order a size smaller than normal).
$5 off for pre-ordered the DVD customers.
Because you pre-ordered the DVD you are eligible for $5 off the purchase of a hoodie. You showed us some love, so we want to give it back. For a limited time only! To get this deal drop me a note and I'll send you the special order link.
DVD + Hoodie for $65.00! Thats $10 savings!
The perfect fan package, a copy of the Grindhouse Shorts DVD and a hoodie!
I'm still waiting for mine to arrive.
Will do, sir.