Guess what came in the mail today!
Also make sure you check out my news blog on for stuff I won't be posting here. That's also where you will find the Fan Members only blogs as well. There is a new one up there from Rydell!
I am trying to manage all these online outlets and release exclusive content for each.
For those of you who don't know the flicks I directed are available below!
So who is actually interested in getting a hoodie?
The designs are below. Those of you who by the DVD get $5 off!
In Army Green
In Faded Green
The DVD is selling fast. Here is the trailer:

Also make sure you check out my news blog on for stuff I won't be posting here. That's also where you will find the Fan Members only blogs as well. There is a new one up there from Rydell!
I am trying to manage all these online outlets and release exclusive content for each.
For those of you who don't know the flicks I directed are available below!

So who is actually interested in getting a hoodie?
The designs are below. Those of you who by the DVD get $5 off!

In Army Green

In Faded Green
The DVD is selling fast. Here is the trailer:
Hells to the yeah! cant wait for mine
Looks like great piece of work ! Congrats !