Could Contain Spoilers, be careful.
So I saw "The Dark Knight" at a midnight screening on Friday. Let me first say that I thought the film was fantastic, and The Joker performance was stunning along with Commissioner Gordon, and a lot of the other supporting cast members. The realistic environment was beautifully crafted and the photography was lovely. All that being said, there were a bunch of moments in the film that almost killed the movie for me:
- The dialog from the Jokers henchmen during the opening scene was terrible and completely unneeded. The actions were great but when you are trying to base this story "in real life" you gotta loose the comic book dialog.
- Maggie Gyllenhaal was terrible. I felt like every time she was on screen she was chuckling at the fact that she was cast in this movie. Compared to a lot of the other performances she stood out like a sore thumb.
- My biggest issue was Christian Bale's performance as Batman. As Bruce Wayne he is great. He brings in the best elements of American Psycho and plays the spoiled rich kids extremely well. But as soon as you put the mask on him and he puts on the out of breath deep voice, I cringed in my seat. How can the director hear his voice in dailies and go"Yes, yes that is great!"
Overall the film was amazing, but these issues nearly pulled me out of a film that I wanted to stay in for the entire 2 hours. It's a difficult thing to take a story that is comic books themed, and over the top, and make it real. I feel like they almost did it. Great movie though. See it for yourself and tell me I'm full of shit.

So I saw "The Dark Knight" at a midnight screening on Friday. Let me first say that I thought the film was fantastic, and The Joker performance was stunning along with Commissioner Gordon, and a lot of the other supporting cast members. The realistic environment was beautifully crafted and the photography was lovely. All that being said, there were a bunch of moments in the film that almost killed the movie for me:

- The dialog from the Jokers henchmen during the opening scene was terrible and completely unneeded. The actions were great but when you are trying to base this story "in real life" you gotta loose the comic book dialog.
- Maggie Gyllenhaal was terrible. I felt like every time she was on screen she was chuckling at the fact that she was cast in this movie. Compared to a lot of the other performances she stood out like a sore thumb.
- My biggest issue was Christian Bale's performance as Batman. As Bruce Wayne he is great. He brings in the best elements of American Psycho and plays the spoiled rich kids extremely well. But as soon as you put the mask on him and he puts on the out of breath deep voice, I cringed in my seat. How can the director hear his voice in dailies and go"Yes, yes that is great!"
Overall the film was amazing, but these issues nearly pulled me out of a film that I wanted to stay in for the entire 2 hours. It's a difficult thing to take a story that is comic books themed, and over the top, and make it real. I feel like they almost did it. Great movie though. See it for yourself and tell me I'm full of shit.
I was impressed with Heath Ledger's performance though, and I was one of those people that thought his casting in the movie was a bad idea. I just didn't think he could pull it off. I'm glad I was wrong, and instead of ruining the movie he seems to have done the opposite. That's impressive.