So, it's official. If there was ever a president that should be assassinated it's Bush. That won't ever happen cause he's actually causing harm to humanity though. If he was a decent president then his chance of getting offed would go up. I can't believe he took away the avg. wage of the workers who are cleaning up and re-building New Orleans. Now these massive corporations can charge the US gov't whatever they want and pay their workers shit. PLUS the people of New Orleans don't get first dibs on the jobs. That would be the best thing for them. It would teach them new trades and skills, make them money and instill pride in their themselves and their city. However, it's all $$$$ signs to Bush and his cohorts. I usually couldn't give a rats ass about politics, but this is really pissin' me off something severe. Someone please do us all a favour and cease his existence. I'll prolly have the secret service at my door in a couple of hours for this post lol. K, I'm done now.

oh, you have to see this lady! big pink fuzzy coats, faux purple fur.... tacky flower prints... it's terrible!
that is EXACTLY what i'm saying! no 20's ugly clothes for you!